No-one in their right mind would hoard such a powerful tool against a common enemy. When the weapon is finalized, it’s almost certain to be released for all to use. To begin with, I don’t understand why they need to steal it. Sure the weapon might be a game-changer, but is it really worth risking the integrity of the line and the lives of so many just to steal it? The Russians are willing to let the BETA overrun a critical base on the front-lines just to get their hands on a prototype rainbow gun? Are they really that stupid? Well, given that they went through with the plan, I guess they are. The revelation of what was going on is precisely the reason why mankind is losing. I’m sure our own governments would not be above such actions either, but I digress. I’ve complained about the “politics” of the Muv-Luv world before, and I will continue to do so. I honestly thought that their exchanges when she still had a tough exterior were much more entertaining. Except, of course, she has to go and fail at the end, only to be rescued by Yuuya. Was it really necessary to put her in a vulnerable situation and have Yuuya act as the knight in shining armor? I get that they’re a couple, but having Yui act like a blushing bride at the mere thought of him is just plain excessive. It’s really nice to see her finally get over her fears and regrets, and I was actually thinking that she might revert back to being a strong and independent character.